Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Lady Gaga wears her meat! reports "Lady Gaga definitely won the prize for most outrageous outfit at the MTV awards . . . with an all-meat ensemble complete with hat, shoes and purse that people are still talking about" (read the story).

Do take note that PETA thinks the outfit was "over the top" - can you imagine?

For photos and answers to your burning questions, like: was it comfortable? was it hot? did it smell? - go to "Everything You Wanted To Know About Lady Gaga's VMA Meat Dress!" from

Think I'll stick to eating it . . .

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Now comes the "Chicken Whisperer" . . .

Horse - dog (several of them) - and now comes the chicken whisperer - the new guru of backyard chickens. Read the story and watch video of him in action HERE.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Whoa, Nelly, Big Bud is Big

Have you seen just how BIG 'Big Bud' is? All 27 feet long, 20 feet wide, 14 feet tall and weighing 100,000 pounds of him? The world's largest tractor was one of the biggest draws at this year's Farm Progress Show. Read the details and watch a video on Big Bud on HERE.